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   After doing my Tokyo Ghoul chapter reviews and comparisons, I decided I wanted to figure out a good way to talk about manga and such, but full story reviews could take forever given the amount of chapters. Thinking a bit about it all though,  I ultimately decided on an idea of something new I could do for some write ups. A first impressions series of sorts. No longer just limited to manga, I will go through and watch a random first episode of a television series or read the first chapter of a manga. Maybe play the first hour of a game, or check out the first couple tracks on a cd even. From there, I will do a little write up of my impressions,  thoughts, theories,  etc. Depending on how I feel about whatever I’m writing about,  I may continue and do more write ups on it, developing into a possible full review, or I may just drop it. So today that's what we start. Continuing with my original plan, it will be a random manga I've never read before. I’m writing this before going to search for a title, so hopefully what I end up with is worth it.

   As I have looked, I’m disappointed to find there is no random manga generator or anything like that, leading me to go to a website, click a random page and a random link, hoping for the best. It seems like this is going to be about “Fly- Tondemo Teleport Girl Yumi.” It has an interesting name for sure. Supposed to be a horror, supernatural, mystery manga. Judging from the cover art though, that's hard to believe. Seems to be a short series by Jun Nishikawa. I have no idea when it was released, but let’s not waste anymore time and just dive in to this first chapter “Trouble Traveler Yumi.”

   So I’m only a little ways into this first chapter, but it seems the story is about a teen girl named Yumi. She was born with a condition that makes her randomly teleport to any location. The only problem is, she can’t control when it will happen or where she will teleport to. It started when she was little with her teleporting thirty kilometers away from home. As she got older, she started having to carry a phone with extra battery, money, lights, food and other emergency supplies because she didn’t know where she would end up. While nothing amazing, it still seems like an interesting idea.
   Going through the whole first chapter though,  I can't seem to find any aspect of a horror element. It seems like it would just be a basic story, with each chapter having to deal with a random teleporting instance. With it apparently only going on for five volumes total,  I don't see that changing much.  Probably would add in a little of an over arching story, but would mostly focus on these one off moments. 

   One thing that really turns me away from this series is the art. While the cover was cutesy and not too bad, that all changed when I actually started reading the story.  From the time I caught sight of the first page, I was debating if I really wanted to read it. Even for anime and manga standards, everyone looks so strange. What's especially funny is (though this is just the first chapter), the character on the cover looks different than the character on the first page,  who also looks different from our main character. I feel lied to.

   If I had to put Fly in the horror genre though,  it would be because of this art. I initially thought that the characters looked the way they did because this would be a horror manga. The character designs would really help add that bit of creepiness factor to the story. As I read on, I realized I was wrong and the art was just bad. The proportions are all off and the eyes are gigantic and terrifying, even for anime standards. Everyone looks so wide eyed and alien throughout the story. It isn’t even like the designs made by CLAMP where they have a unique style but okay if it works. These are just bad.

   I think this might be the author’s first manga, and it shows. The story is basic, and something, while probably fun, I guarantee has been done before, and the  art is just bad, making it hard to want to read. A first chapter is usually one that is a bit longer and builds things up before hitting you with an ending that leaves you wanting more. This one (spoilers!) ends with Yumi waking up in a casket at a funeral. It showed how this could be a bad thing that she has going on, but it wasn’t enough of a hook to really want me to keep going.

   Ultimately, if you could get past some bad art and wanted a basic story that you didn’t have to invest a lot in, you could give it a shot. In the end, you can probably get the same thing from much better written and drawn stories though than this. It is a given she will get control of her powers. She may even find some others like her. I don’t know if there would be a twist later that would make this really a horror story, buy given the length, I doubt it. For the most part, it is just predictable and not too great. Based on that first chapter, I don’t think I could recommend Fly personally. It certainly had me wishing I was teleporting to anywhere where I could be not reading that chapter.


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