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Yu-gi-oh Gold Sarcophagus Tin Unboxing

Yu-gi-oh Gold Sarcophagus Tin

   The moment I have waited months for has finally come! Besides video games, I love all other sorts of games. Play board games, looking at trying to get into D&D at some point, and I also play card games. Mainly the card game I play is Yu-gi-oh. I have been a fan of it for many, many years, and while I stopped playing for a few years, I picked it up again maybe three years ago. Having learned the rules all over again, picking up the new types of cards and such, I quickly spiraled back into this game and became obsessed. I don’t play competitively, only for fun, so ban lists and all of that have never really affected me, and let me just get to enjoy the game again.

   So here we are today with a release I have been waiting for, the 2019 Gold Sarcophagus Mega Tin. While the packs inside do have things I am looking for in them, I’m more so excited for the new cards getting released with it, mainly the new Alternative Dragons. For the occasion, I thought I’d do an unboxing, something I’d like to do more of if I could afford these products, and see how my luck goes with getting something good.

   Right off the bat, the tins seem cheaper.  I feel like I remember them being $24.99, but maybe that is just my imagination. It really is a good deal though.  For $19.99, you get three packs of sixteen cards,  plus 5 of the secret rare cards. Considering a normal pack of nine Yu-gi-oh cards runs for around four dollars,  you get a good deal.

   In addition it comes in a nice tin to store them. In the past, the tins have always looked pretty good,  usually showcasing a picture of the main characters from the anime and/or a picture of the main monster the tin is featuring. This new one for 2019 though comes in a beautiful gold tin, designed to look like the card Gold Sarcophagus, featured as a big player in the final duel of Yu-gi-oh Duel Monsters, but also looks like the box Yugi's millennium puzzle originally came in.  There is some nice texture and detail to the tin that really sets it apart from the others. It is one I will certainly keep.

   Opening up, I’m happy to see the first card is Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon! This was one of the major ones I wanted. I love the artwork, and it has a pretty good effect. I haven’t been able to get Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon yet, so I’m glad I have this at least. Will go good in one of my dragon decks.

   Tearing into the wrapper we get the rest of that set, Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon, Slifer the Sky Dragon, Monster Reborn, and Nibiru the Primal Being. I have to say, those alone make me happy and make it worth it. I was able to get two of the three new cards from the set that I wanted, plus a Slifer the Sky Dragon card I didn’t have. It made for a nice surprise. The highlight is probably Blue-Eyes. One of my favorite decks to use is my Blue-Eyes White Dragon. This is certainly a great addition to it. Once I can go and buy a Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon, it will really complete it.

   Now getting into the packs, I’m not going to go into every card, but I will talk about some noteworthy ones. I do want to point out, these mega packs seem to have a nice variety. There were a lot of archetypes I wanted to get more cards from, and some that I just like. We have Vampires, Fur Hires, Sky Strikers, Thunder Dragons, Dangers, Trickstars, Impcantations, Dinowrestlers, Salamangreats, and many more. It had a decent mix.

   To start with pack one, I pulled a Sky Striker Airbase- Area Zero spell card. Nothing major probably, but considering I’m working on a Sky Striker deck and didn’t have that one, I am happy. Also, I am working on improving my Vampire deck, so getting Vampire's Desire and Vampire Familiar really made me happy. For rare cards, I pulled Knightmare Phoenix, which I had been needing, Impcantation Talismandra, and Heritage of the Chalice. I like the Impcantations, and maybe one day will do them, but not likely soon. World Chalice might happen for me, given how many cards for the archetype I have, but it really isn’t one I care enough about.  Other than that, the first pack had mostly cards I already had plenty of.

   Pack number two was a little less exciting for me. There was one vampire card with Vampire Retainer, but I already have plenty of it. Then the Predaplant and Salamangreat cards in there, I also have an abundance of. Otherwise it was some support for Fluffals, Fur Hires, Trickstars, and Thunder Dragons. The rare cards in this one were the spell card Cross Breed, Crusadia Reclusia, and Morgan the Enchantress of Avalon. I imagine I could find a way to make Cross Breed useful to me, but that’s about it.

   Now the last pack, fell into a middle ground. Less that I can use, but not as bad as pack number two. I thankfully pulled another Sky Striker support card that I’m not sure I have. I also got the spell card Realm of Danger! for the Danger Beasts. I don’t know when I will ever do anything with this archetype, but I love them, so I am glad to be able to build up more. Also, I got the trap card Waking the Dragon. With its effect allowing me to summon a monster from the extra deck, I can think of a few good uses for it. Rare wise in this one we have, Thunder Dragonduo, Red Reboot, and Impcantation Candoll. Once again, if I ever do the Impcantations, it is nice to have more of those cards. Thunder Dragonduo might be cool, but I don’t really plan to do a Thunder Dragon deck. I'm missing too many cards for that.

   While I didn’t get a whole lot I needed right away in this tin, there is a lot there I could potentially use in the future. The cards I did really want or need that I managed to get though really made this mega tin worth it. Between the variant artwork that some might have for the Egyptian God Cards, the newer support for older cards, and the completely new cards, I think it is worth picking up one of the Gold Sarcophagus mega tins. Once you throw in the three mega packs, it becomes even more worth it. For twenty dollars, you can’t beat it.

   I have gotten a glimpse at some of the other cards in the mega packs and have seen Crystal Beast support, Cyber Dragon support, and more. I honestly thought about only buying one of the tins. If I managed to get the Red-Eyes and Blue-Eyes, I figured I wouldn’t need any more. Seeing the other cards that are in this set though, I can guarantee I will be going back to buy at least one more. Plus, as I said, the tin itself looks pretty great too, so I won’t complain about having an extra around. If you are a player of the Yu-gi-oh card game,  definitely go out and grab one of these tins, grab your decks, and get ready to duel.


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