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Last week I went back and rewatched 2014's Godzilla. While I didn't see it as the greatest Godzilla movie,  I also couldn't see why it didn't get more love. The design was pretty good, the acting was decent enough,  the MUTO were pretty interesting and the action was pretty good as well. Plus I enjoyed the way Godzilla was teased before us getting the reveal.  Did it have its flaws though? Of course.  The human side of things wasn’t terribly interesting, and more of the big guy himself would've been nice. 

    As it got closer and closer in time for me to see the movie, I kept seeing negative reviews. Needless to say, I was worried that this was going to be a step back. I kept my faith though and made my way to the theater. I can honestly say, within the 1st 15 minutes of the film, I could already tell this would be better. Let me just say, it most certainly was.

   Godzilla: King of the Monsters takes everything good and bad from the first film and improves them drastically. Anyone that had any problems with the lack of monster fights in the first will definitely be happier. There are plenty and they are amazing.

  Godzilla: King of the Monsters revolves around a group of eco terrorists who want to wake up all of the titans that Monarch has been monitoring. That way the world can be restored to its natural balance and be saved. This brings them all into the path of Godzilla who is looking to stop the other monsters and claim his throne as king of the monsters.

   As seen in the trailers,  the main monsters in this are Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah. The first one we get a taste of is Mothra. I enjoyed her introduction to the film quite a bit and really loved her character.  Unfortunately she probably gets the least to do in this movie, though her arc is very impactful and she stays pretty true to her Japanese counterpart.  They all do really.  Godzilla also actually gets a pretty cool introduction in this as well. It's a bit of a tease in his first appearance,  but it is effective.  Also I am pretty sure that a bit of his appearance has changed in this one.  Nothing major,  just the fins on his back looking closer to the Japanese one.  Rodan is the last introduced, but probably has the best intro. It is an epic moment and really helps showcase just how powerful the titans are.  His appearance still is very close to his Japanese counterpart, but maybe a tad more bird like. It looked great.

   Now to the main one of the group,  King Ghidorah. They do an amazing job with him. You get a good idea of all of the titans' powers when they are introduced and Ghidorah is quickly established as top dog. With a design ripped straight from the original movies and a size larger than Godzilla, Ghidorah quickly makes his mark. Godzilla and Ghidorah have an established rivalry and as the two fight, it is easy to see why.

   One thing I really loved about this movie is that all of the titans have personality. Ghidorah's heads will kind of bicker with each other, with the center having to hiss at or bite one of the others to get it to stop doing something. Rodan…Rodan is something else. Fun fact, I have never cared too much about Rodan. He is fine. A giant Pteranodon. Nothing really ever drew me into him. Maybe if I went back and watched the old films now, I would think differently, but yeah never hated nor loved him. This movie though made me love him. I saw someone compare him to Starscream from Transformers, and yeah I can see it. There is a time he goes after a plane and is just smirking the whole time. It is great. For characters that you never hear talk, they did a great job at conveying emotion and personality just through expressions and actions of the characters.

   The movie has a lot of easter eggs too. Things that tie back into the many years of Godzilla films, and also hint as to what the future may hold. I actually am really looking forward to this coming out on DVD so I can sit down and go through it all. There were so many times in the theater I wanted to pause it and check every thing on the screen so I could see what was being referenced. The soundtrack itself also has a bit of an easter egg, with a take on Godzilla’s old theme. The soundtrack as a whole is truly amazing. It is a great musical score throughout. There truly is a lot of love for the series in this film.

   If I had to have any complaints, I wanted more from Mothra. Seemed to be a bit of wasted potential with her. Also, like before, the weakest element of this was the human’s story. It was certainly better than in the first film, and was integrated into the plot really well, but was still not the best. It was annoying to have this great fight going on, but then it would cut to whatever everyone was doing. Then you also had a character that I suppose was supposed to get a bit of redemption and you were supposed to sympathize with them, but honestly I just didn’t care. That’s not to say this isn't acted well though. Millie Bobby Brown was great as always. Vera Farmiga and Kyle Chandler did a good job as playing the two Monarch members that are her parents, and Ken Watanabe killed it. Just unfortunately while not being necessarily bad, it wasn’t great either.

  Also the humor was a bit hit or miss. When it was good, it was really funny. Unfortunately some of the jokes just sort of fell flat. You can kind of get an idea of that from the trailer. My only other issue I can think of is that I don’t have a Godzilla prequel movie, and that I have to wait until next year for Godzilla vs King Kong.

   I honestly haven’t been this happy about a Godzilla movie in a while. While not perfect, it was certainly more than I could’ve hoped for it to be. Whether a fan of the original films, or someone new to it all it is worth going to check out. I hope that they can keep this pace going and continue to improve this franchise as time goes on. Until then though, go check it out. Hail to the king!


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