“What did I just watch?” Those were the first words out of my mouth after seeing The Dead Don’t Die. Knowing nothing about the director and only seeing the great cast and what seemed to be a pretty funny trailer, I was going into this movie pretty blind, but also excited. A seemingly zombie comedy movie with Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Tilda Swinton, Steve Buscemi, Iggy Pop, Selena Gomez, Tom Waits and more? This seemed perfect. While it wasn’t perfect, it was still pretty interesting…and strange. As I said, The Dead Don’t Die stars Bill Murray and Adam Driver as Cliff Robertson and Ronnie Peterson, two police officers in the small town of Centerville. Strange things start occurring one day such as electronics not working, the sun staying up for various times, clocks stop and animals start acting strangely. This is apparently caused by the polar fracking that has been happening. One of the other side effects of this ends up being zombies. Cliff and ...