Mega Review by Urizen (Maleficent:Mistress of Evil, Birds of Prey, Sonic the Hedgehog, The Invisible Man, Onward)
So, I’m very behind on things. Recently a lot of things have been happening that have made it hard to keep up with reviews. Thankfully it has been a bit of a slow period, so I haven’t seen too many. I was going to try to do individual reviews for all of them, but have ultimately decided that doing one mega review of these would be better. I won't be able to cover as much about them, but still allows me to get my thoughts out and be caught up. With this I should be able to start on the next one I see right away with no worries or stress. So here we go, let’s get started with the first one I saw which was Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. Fun fact, I never actually finished the first Maleficent movie. While I thought Angelina Jolie did a killer job and the premise seemed interesting enough, there was an issue with whatever medium I was watching it on and I just never went back to finish it. Still, I found myself wanting to see Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. I never got ar...