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Showing posts from November, 2022


     BOY, AM I SLACKING LATELY!      There are so many topics I could be going into. Arcane, The Batman, Jujutsu Kaisen 0, It takes Two, Hawkeye . A countless number of movies, games and shows have been released that I just haven’t covered. It is a shame honestly how much I have missed out on. I'd argue it isn’t too late, especially with something like the Jujutsu Kaisen movie, but it is what it is. I have made my choice. No going back. I have committed so instead I’m going to discuss what I think is an underrated gem, the anime Restaurant to Another World.    Restaurant to Another World , or Isekai Shokudou , is a 2017 anime based off from a series of light novels by Junpei Inuzuka. Recently season 2 of the anime finished airing, bringing it up to 24 episodes total, with five light novels having been released since 2015. As the name suggests, it is an Isekai cooking anime that deals with a business called “The Western Restaurant Nekoya”. During the week, the restaurant ope