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Showing posts from October, 2021


  Man! Marvel has absolutely been killing it this year haven't they?    I might be in the minority here, and that's okay, but I loved everything that has come out so far.   WandaVision was such an interesting concept that had me growing to care about two characters that I had no feelings towards originally, set up some amazing things for the future of Marvel and made me feel more emotions than I expected.   Falcon and the Winter Soldier did suffer greatly from a very lackluster villain, but still tackled race and other issues quite well. It also featured some of the greatest acting from Sebastian Stan and helped really develop these two side characters, while once again setting up big things for the future. Loki gave us Alligator Loki, some amazing characters and concepts, a bit of a dive into the character of Loki and some amazing things to look forward to. Not to mention Black Widow was great and Shang Chi is looking to be amazing as well.    So far it has really felt lik